Decrepit Benches Salvaged, Refurbished Featuring American Flags 

Reading, PA: Metalworking manufacturer TAB Industries, LLC, Reading, Pa. (, is helping custom park bench manufacturer Going with the Grain, Cumberland, RI, produce benches featuring the American flag to honor United States military service personnel, fallen law enforcement officers, and other first responders. Donating its design and manufacturing services, TAB Industries fabricates, laser cuts, and paints the 50 white stars and the blue union behind the stars in steel to seamlessly integrate with each bench. Going with the Grain Owner Alan Vadnais, a draftsman, replaces the decaying wood on decrepit benches, restores the cast iron, affixes the union and stars, and paints or stains the new slats in red, white, and blue for the American flag, or in blue, black, and gray for the Back the Blue flag. Memorial statements are carved into a center slat.

“I cannot thank Tom Brizek enough,” says Vadnais, referring to the president of TAB Industries. “Tom has helped me build stronger benches that last longer and look even better – this is a turning point for growing my business.” The greatest challenge is finding enough old benches that are suitable for refurbishing, according to Vadnais, who now has a backlog of orders.

For more information on the custom benches, contact Alan Vadnais, Going with the Grain, at;, 401-862-2803.

For a free brochure or more information on TAB, contact TAB Industries, LLC, 2525 N. 12th Street, Reading PA 19605; 610-921-0012; or see
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